I wear or have worn many titles or labels in my life, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, child of God. All have great significance to me and carry a different set of responsibilities. What all share is the responsibility of sharing and teaching the word of God.

I consider each role a calling, a divine and purposed role designed by our Father in heaven just for me. While not perfect in either role, I continue to strive each day that God allows to improve, to learn, to grow,

Poetry is one of the tools I use to share, to learn, to teach, to share what God has allowed me to experience. I write about my experiences, the experience of those around me and about the things I see. I write what God has placed in my heart to say to those that need to hear.

My writings are not exclusively for or about women, though at first glance it may appear to be so.  It is true that God has placed in me a special passion, care and concern for women, our struggles, our issues, our challenges. Many of my writing our written from the eyes and heart of that woman that is going through, has come out and is celebrating the victory given to her through Jesus Christ.

I share with you the many stages of our walks in this journey. We are not nor were we always prayer warriors, faith walkers or peace seekers. We have gone through struggles and crisis in our lives and not always handled them the same way or used the same weapons to overcome. Some of us have dwelled in the valleys of our situations longer than need be. Some of us have turned a deaf ear to what God was saying at that time in our lives only to open our hearts back up to hear and feel him again direct us through that valley. These times are experienced by all of us, men and women.

My hope and prayer is that by sharing what I’ve been through, what I’ve seen, what God has given me insight to will help encourage, comfort, give insight, restore hope and create a desire to seek or continue seeking our Lord, our Savior, Jesus Christ. That is my mission, my purpose.

To God be the glory! For it is His work and I simply His writing instrument.

I pray you are blessed.