Now it may have seemed sort of schizophrenic
at times I may have sounded a little panicked
my feelings ranged from overjoyed to somewhat manic
and there were moments my mind raced frantic
I’ll try to tell you about it
I’ll see if I can explain
the joy I’m feeling in my spirit
and in my heart, this pain
it’s about a tough time in my life
it’s about my sister, my friend
it’s about a new beginning,
but it’s also about an end
I lost my best friend
gone from this earth now, my dear sister
before she even took her last breath
I’d already started to miss her
they tell me cancer spread through her body
in just a matter of days
no test could explain what happened
how she was overcome this way
I watched each day as she worsened
all the while, she just kept praying
I kept looking in her eyes
trying to understand what she was saying
day came and night passed
still my sister wasn’t healed
I prayed over and over again, “Lord touch her!”
Just speak a word. Tell this cancer to be still!
my heart was aching
my eyes kept filling with tears
my time with her reduced to days,
though we’d made plans for years!
I kept searching and asking for peace,
but when he tried to give it, I pushed it away
I want this body healed Lord!
here with us, I want her to stay!
as she struggled to take each breath
I struggled with what to ask
then I heard what I already knew
“My child, this body wasn’t meant to last”
the healing, the peace he’d promised us
was indeed going to be given,
just not in this earthly realm
this earthly life she would not go on living
my heart was settled, yet it broke
I’d have to live on without my sister, my friend
even though this cancer thought it had her,
God would be victorious in the end!
I saw God work a miracle,
when she took her last breaths
though they claim she would suffocate
she breathed deep from within her chest
the struggle for air suddenly stopped
and she breathed calmly, then exhaled
she was in the presence of the Lord!
Praise God, my sister is healed!
what an awesome woman!
what a beautiful soul!
what an honor to call her sister!
what a privilege to witness her go home!
she’s healed! there’s no doubt in my mind
God gave me just a glimpse
He showed me that her struggled ended
the moment she entered his presence
there is no looking back for her
nothing here could turn her head
God took her to himself, to life eternal
as she lay on what they called, her “death bed”
if I didn’t know already,
surely I know now
death is but a doorway
taking your life, God does not allow

My sister Pearl was an amazing woman, but God even more amazing and awesome. Many have an image of what her battle with this thing called cancer was like, especially the final days. Let me share with you and make clear a few things. To God be all the glory! Her “struggle” was not with cancer, but with the thought of the hurt for those of us that remained. She lived fully and completely. She never doubted that God was with her, that she made clear over and over to us. Though they say it is a painful “death”, she never once complained or answered yes to the question, “Are you in pain?”. God granted her petition and protected her from pain and real suffering. For this I am forever grateful. It was important to her that others understand and know that God worked this miracle in her life and that HE be given all the honor and glory for the great things He has done.

Written By: Alma Laughlin-Warren

ALW 2-22-2012